Health care is a basic human right, not a privilege. For some reason, we’ve allowed ourselves as Americans to be fooled into accepting that one must be blessed with “means” to actuate appropriate health care. As a nation we have failed to realize that our health care system is a barometer of our society’s value for human life.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Invasion of the Adenoids

Sandis has been icky lately. Actually he has been icky all winter, since September. Not icky as in naughty boy, but icky as in sicky. He has a goopy nose, an icky cough, and a fever that when rises, warrants a doctor appointment. He’s been on antibiotics off and on for the past few months with nothing ever really clearing up the ick. Oh, it’ll clear up during the ten days on antibiotics, and then come back with a vengeance a few days after he is done. The fever takes a little longer to return, thankfully, which allows me to actually work on occasion.

Sandis’s speech therapist mentioned to me in his initial evaluation in December that Sandis had large tonsils. I thought nothing of it. So he has large tonsils right? Big deal, if it ain’t killin him don’t change a thing. Seriously. Don’t. Change. A. Thing. You know, because change is like a big bad bear that I totally can deal with less of lately.

When I got Sandis back in to the speech therapist last week she made a point of bringing up his apparently freakishly large tonsils, AGAIN. She even got out a flashlight to SHOW me. Ya, I guess she was serious about being concerned about the large tonsils thing eh? Sure enough, he has monster tonsils, monster in the sense that his throats looks like it closes when they expand. Ahhh! What bliss is the large tonsils? Let me count the ways they can make my day!

These past few days, since a puking incident on Friday night, Sandis has been nursing a low grade fever (thankfully responsive to ibuprofen). I figured it was time to re-up the antibiotics, but figured this time I would get him into his primary to discuss the freakishly huge tonsils with her in the same breath as his snotty nose icky cough stuff. Well, following a fairly painless X-ray to check out his adenoids, which also revealed themselves to be freakishly gigantic, we left with a referral to an ENT. A referral to an ENT to discuss adenoid removal. Pfffffffffffft. Phooey on you adenoids. I’ve had ENOUGH!

So on yet another journey we will venture in these next few weeks. Where it leads us, no one knows, but I’m betting that this journey isn’t specific to autism OR diabetes. And frankly, um, I have no freakin idea how I feel about that.


Kelsey said...

Hi Sarah,

I know it's yet another thing for you right now, but I think that adenoid/tonsil removal is a pretty routine procedure.

My coworker's 5 year old son just had his adenoids out and the very same week my 3 year old nephew had his tonsils removed.

Plus, Sandis will feel so much better!!

Scott K. Johnson said...

Like Kelsey said - it will probably make him feel better.

That would probably translate into one less thing to deal with after it's all said and done, right?

Take care!

Anonymous said...

I got my adenoids out when I was four (but weirdly enough they left my tonsils). I was feeling so good in recovery that they just sent me home (usually you stay a couple more hours).
I don't know how much of this will hold true with Sandis but it helped my speech and I was WAY less congested and got sick much less often!
Keep us posted!

Minnesota Nice said...

I agree that it's probably for the good. They'll no doubt just wisk him in and out as a day surgery.
My friend's son had horrible bouts of strep and after having the A & T removed has not had even one flare-up.

jill. said...

Sarah, I hate to hear about another health hurdle for you guys, but Sandis will no doubt feel better after it's all said and done (and he'll get lots of yummy jello and ice cream along the way...)